Elmer is the son of Clem and Gertrude(Pulley)Lee. His parents divorced when he was young. Both of his parents are
deceased now. His father died in 1964 and his mother in 1995. He, too, was raised mostly by his grandparents, Enoch 'Mack'
and Minnie Viola(Groom)Lee. We have tried to trace the genealogy of both sides. And at this time have only succeeded
finding both of his grandfather's background, that being the Lee/Stafford lines. As for his grandmother's side, we have not
been able to make much progress, but are far from giving up. The following photos are of his grandparents and their family.
As you will see in the following pages, we were successful in tracing most of his Pulley/Moon heritage, that being part
of his maternal side. Though the Trowbridge has been a stumbling block just as the Groom's is on his father's side, we are
still searching. And we hope to be able to add both the maternal and paternal grandmother's information soon.
Clem Walton Lee and Gertrude Elaine(Pulley).